Friday, June 7, 2024

💞 BRTC is offering 34 vacant position for new job seeker

 BRTC means Bangladesh Road transport Corporation. The main object of this corporation is given by Bangladesh Government. Nontheless to say that BRTC has a wide range of office around the whole country. Why this huge number of offices needs that many offices that is very big question. But the answer is very strict and easy.

Now, at we have to know that BRTC is a government owned company and such the job position they offers comes under the shadow of government payscale. Not only that as this corporation deals with the transportation of the so we have enormous opportutniry to make our future with the corporation.

Bellow is the Circular of BRTC and it is very new. You can apply for this job anytime you like best.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

āĻ¸āĻ°āĻ•াāĻ°ি āĻĒাāĻŸ āĻ…āĻĢিāĻ¸ে - Jute Research Institute published job circular

 The government owned office is looking for work personal. This office is Jute research institute. This institute is a very high profile government office until now.

Currently this office has published a new job circular for various vacant positions. Jute job is basically for upgrading the jute quality in Bangladesh.

This government office will give government job in their vacant positions. There are many position vacant. You can either apply for HSC pass position or SSC pass position. No matter what position you apply for you have sit for exam and have to pass that exam.

Bellow is the image of this circular. You will find all the necessary information to apply for this jute jobs in Bangladesh.

= āĻĻāĻ°āĻ–াāĻ¸্āĻ¤ āĻĻাāĻ“ - Agriculture help Jute Job - Apply Now

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Apply Now Showpno Shop is hiring HSC/SSC Passed Student for Part Time

 The countries largest chain super shop shwpno has take an initiative to hire student around the country those are are in need of money but did not finish the study yet. And those are studying in different University or College.

To apply for this work shwpno has kept a box in front of every shwpno outlet to submit the CV the for working with them.

Anyone having intention to work with them may go to shwpno shop along with a CV and may insert it inside the box through the hole.

Friday, May 31, 2024

Get a job in Jamuna Future Park for 24000 Salary before Eid Ul Adha

The Jamuna Future Park is a leading Shopping destination in Bangladesh. This huge an highly praised shopping mall is the biggest shopping mall in Bangladesh. I would say that, this is one of the biggest but as there is none other shopping mall not even near to the size of this shopping mall so I said this is the THE BIGGEST SHOPPING in the history of Bangladesh until now.

Where is this shopping Mall Located?

This shopping mall is located in the heart of the Dhaka Metropolitan area. Though some critics will deny the fact that the Jamuna Future Park is located in the heart of the Dhaka. The reason behind their denying is that they don't think the Kuril Biswaroad Area is the Heart of the Dhaka.
Most of the residence thinks that the heart of the Dhaka is Motijheel or some other will consider Farmgate area as the heart of the Dhaka. But with the growing population and attention to the area of Kuril has turned this area the heart of City in a different way. Now as the Jamuna Future Park located in the area of Kuril Basically around the corner of the Bashundhara Residential area, we can say that the Jamuna future park is located in Biswaroad and Kuril Area which is exactly besides the left side of the main entrance of the Bashundhara Residential Area.
As, this shopping complex is know to all the citizens of Bangladesh and everyday hundreds of thousands shoppers rush this shopping mall, so the name of this area has become JAMUNA and sometime Jamuna Future Park instead of Kuril Biswaroad. I want to say that this shopping complex has become as much popular that is has changed the name of this area to its own name.

What about work and Job opportunity in this shopping mall?

As it already mentioned earlier that this is very big shopping mall so this shopping mall has thousands of shops inside of this mall.
Every shop inside of this mall is very big and near to 10 to 15 thousands square feet each. As a result every shop need a very good number of salesman and salesgirl to sell their product and to help the shoppers. Now it goes without saying that nearly 20000 people works here in this jamuna future park as sales personal. Most of the sales man and sales girl are from the different area of university to gather their educational expenses.

How to get a job their?

Getting a job in jamuna Future park is very easy and straightforwad. If anyone wants to get a job in one shop in Jamuna he/ she needs to visit to the shops. And surprisingly you will find a box in front of the every shops for submitting the CV to work with them.
So, go there along with your updated CV and insert or Drop in inside the CV dropping box. This is the best and easiest way to get a job in jamuna future park.

What things can I buy in Jamuna Future Park?

You can buy nearly everything in Jamuna future park to your Daily needs.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

DC office HSC pass Certificate Assistant Job Circular

 DC office is looking for application for the position of certificate assistant. The educational qualification is for this position is HSC pass. Anyone who has passed the HSC exam and become a certificate assistant in DC office may apply for this position.

The salary is mentioned for this position is 9300 to 22490 taka monthly. As it is government job circular and the position is in the DC office so the other all the government benefit shall be applicable for this position.

Keep one thing in mind that there are DC in every jela shohor where there is a DC office. So, whenever you are trying to get a job in a DC office, you have to ensure one thing clearly that to which DC office you are looking for an opportunity for a job.

How to apply?

to answer this question I am going to provide one example of DC office Khulna. You have to apply to your nearest DC office where you are residing.

If anyone want to become the part of this position she/ he may apply through the link bellow -

Thank you for seeing this nice Circular.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Government Cashier Jobs Circular

Government Office cashier is being hired by a prestigious government institution. The name of the office is custom vat and excise Commissionerate.

The educational qualification for this cashier position is Honors in any dicipline.

Salary will be paid according to the government pay scale. The grade for this cashier position for calculating salary is Grade 14.

As the salary scale will be according to the grade 14 so the initial salary will be 10200 taka and as it is a government job so the initial salary will keep increasing every year. The final salary after the full increment will stand on the amount at 24680 taka per month.

Not only that, as it is a government job so all the other benefit will also be paid. Such as Eid bonus and other bonus.

Interested candidate may apply by submitting online application the official RAJSHAHIVAT.TELETALK.COM.BD

Please submit your application before the deadline by visiting the link mentioned above.

Thank you for your patience to read this article.

Allah hafez

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Apply for Government Assistant School Teacher Jobs

Assistant Teacher is being hired for Bangla Version of a School. The name of the school is Cantonment Public School and College. This school is not only a school but it also does have a college section.
Currently this school is hiring Assistant Teacher for its Bangla and English Version of the school section.
Mentionable here that, this school have both Bangla and English Medium Division. So, anyone who is looking for a job as an assistant teacher in Bangla Section, they may apply to get this lucrative jobs.

The salary scale has been mention within the government 10th Grade Jobs. Which is starting salary 16000 and after full increment the total amount will stand on 38640 taka per month.

How to Apply?

Application submission process can be acquired by looking at the website of the school. The name of the website of the respective school is

Just go to the link above and apply the for the position before the deadline. This is a very lucrative opportunity. Hope you will enjoy the journey.

Thank you for being with this article. Allah Hafez.  

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