Sunday, August 18, 2024

নতুনভাবে ক্যাশিয়ার নিয়োগের বিজ্ঞপ্তি ছেড়েছে আড়ং (Aarong)

Cashier (Aarong Outlets)

আড়ং আউটলেটে ক্যাশিয়ার নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি প্রকাশ

Additional Requirements
Minimum 2 years of work experience in POS
Knowledge on Basic Accounting, Standard & Professional Customer service
Should have Strong skill on effective communication(both written and verbal) and interpersonal skills
Responsibilities & Context
Collect money from cash counters and deposit it to the Accountant on time

Handle the collection of retail funds and deposit to the nominated bank account on time

Provide retail funds to Sales Associates and perform daily reconciliation of Point of Sale (POS) cash transactions

Maintain leave registers, check and verify leave balances and applications of all employees

Verify foreign currency forms, maintain records, and handle foreign currency transactions

Calculate total transactions through card sales and reconcile them with card sales slips

Coordinate the collection and submission of booking records, manual books, and funds to the Accountant

Prepare and maintain credit vouchers, reconcile them when necessary, and submit statements to the Manager for authorization

Prepare monthly product transactions report among Aarong outlets, Head Office, and the warehouse, and submit them to the Accountants

Review and forward all types of bills to the Accountant along with relevant documents for payment processing

Collect Aarong Gift Voucher (AGV) credit notes from the Accountant and transfer to Sales Associates

Assume responsibility for all accounts-related activities in the absence of the Accountant

Compensation & Other Benefits
Provident Fund, gratuity, festival Bonus, health & life Insurance and others as per company policy

Employment Status
Full Time

Job Location
Anywhere in Bangladesh

Apply Procedure
Email your CV
Send your CV to the given email


  1. আবেদন কিভাবে করব?

  2. Ami korte chai ki vabe korbo

  3. I am interested to do this job. My CV has been sent to your mail id already.

  4. how i apply for that job!!

  5. Jinnatun nisa resmi

  6. ekhon ki apply kora jabe

  7. আবেদন করতে চাই করা যাবে কি

  8. আমি করতে চাই,
    আবেদন কিভাবে করব

  9. কি ভাবে আবেদন করবো???আর কি ভাবে CV জমা দিবো???


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    Apply Link


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